
I completed my PhD in Psychology at University College London in July 2021 and I am currently a Research Fellow in the Lifespan Modelling and Psychometrics (LIFE-MAP) Lab at Kings College London. I am also an Affiliated Researcher with the Group for Real-World Neuroscience in Sierre, Switzerland, and the Digital Cognitive Neuroscience Lab in Tokyo, Japan. 

I am the Host and Founder of the Science or Fiction Podcast where we interview researchers to separate the science from the fiction in news headlines: www.scienceorfiction.co.uk 

I seek to understand how individual differences in the brain, cognition, and environment impacts youth development to create solutions to support young people to thrive. I work with stakeholders - from young people to charities to education practitioners - in my research and science communication. 

If you'd like to chat, please contact me using the links below!